Wednesday, June 29, 2005

End of Days

I watched this awesome show last night on National Geographic Channel called “End Day” which dramatizes three doomsday scenarios, including a 500-meter wave hitting New York. If a 500-meter wave were on its way to NY, my first question, of course, would be “what's with the metrics?” If a huge wave is coming, they’d better let us know its dimensions in American and not try to obfuscate with any of that crazy metric voodoo.

The most important thing I learned though, and if you watch the National Disaster Channel as much as I do, you know this too... it's not IF the mega-tsunami/meteorite/flu pandemic will hit, it's WHEN.

I just wish we KNEW WHEN because then I would take up smoking.


Some funny, but non-shark-related news stories:

Would you like fries with your poodle burger?

Is Al Qaeda after Roy?

That’s why it’s called Scrapplebee's.

WARNING: Do not patronize the Au Bon Pain at 1211 6th Ave, because they will cheat you out of your half-price cookie.

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