Monday, August 15, 2005

Big Crapple

For all you aspiring New Yorkers out there, I'd like to impart two lessons I learned tonight:

Lesson 1: Always double-check to make sure the train you're getting on is the train you want to be getting on, in case, for example, the F train is inexplicably on the D train track and you don't realize it for two stops because in the YEAR you've been taking the D train you've never SEEN an F train on the D train track and it would never OCCUR to you that an F train would randomly, without warning, BE on the D train track.

Lesson 2: When you are yelling at a cab driver for going downtown instead of uptown, make sure you are, in fact, going downtown. And don't be snotty when he asks if you've been drinking. (I wasn't, by the way.)

Damn you, Mercury retrograde!

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