Monday, February 21, 2005

Yahoo This

Well, it's been a bad day for Sandra Dee, Hunter S. Thompson, Bonnie Raitt's dad and the guy in Alaska who got his dick cut off. Although my day ran the gamut from boring to excruciating, I'm happy to report that I did not get my dick cut off. It's true, I don't have a dick, but if I did, I would call it a "cock."

Here are some topics I hope to address in the near future, barring any genital mutilations or blowing out of my brains:

The Red Sox need to shut up about A-Rod.

Who will be my next baseball boyfriend now that Johnny Damon and
Mikey *cough* not gay *cough* P. are married? (Not to each other!)

My insatiable lust for all things leopard print.

Why the Fountain Restaurant is the best place in the entire world.

And whatever other tripe I can come up with while under the influence of various intoxicants.

Mouse Alert: Yellow = Elevated

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