Monday, February 27, 2006

Cry For Help

Signs you have an unhealthy obsession with The Sopranos due to not having anything else meaningful in your life:

*You have a crush on Vincent Curatola
*You start to think New Jersey might not be a bad place to live
*You currently have seven unwatched episodes stored on your DVR and are rationing them so they will last until the new season begins
*You've renamed your cat Silvio
*You googled Drea De Matteo at work tonight (and you’re not a lesbian)
*You wish you could send Furio upstairs to beat the crap out of your neighbor
*Your hatred for Meadow burns hotter than a thousand suns
*You are fanatically following the John “Jr.” Gotti trial in the Post
*You were thinking about the Lufthansa heist when you went to JFK last week (Sopranos, Goodfellas... whatever)
*You've considered taking your mom’s Italian maiden name
*You try to remember all the swear words you learned from your grandma, whose Italian vocabulary was mainly comprised of ways to call your uncle’s girlfriend a whore
*You know exactly how many minutes there are until March 12 at 9 pm

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