Friday, October 07, 2005

Post Season

Well, that was depressing.

Not kick-you-in-the-gut-October-2003 depressing, but definitely Monday-morning-after-vacation depressing. When I woke up Thursday morning I had a bad feeling and I knew it meant the Red Sox were not just done, but on the table, sliced, and covered with gravy. In spite of that, I still watched every pitch of the game tonight (except for the bottom of the third when ESPN inexplicably disappeared) and I watched it like I watched every other game this season: in my apartment, with my cat, drinking wine. You come into the world alone and you go out of it alone.

At least I won’t have to check myself into Four Winds after the ALCS this year. Or stay up late for west coast games, or listen to Tim McCarver. That’s something. (Right?)

Oh well. Go Angels.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more. Very sad, but like you said it wasn't a kick in the gut. I would've liked to have seen us win ONE game though.

They just didn't look like their regular selves. Something just didn't seem right. Oh well. Go White Sox, it's your year! Go Rally Monkey. Go anyone but the Yankees!