Friday, October 21, 2005


Okay, I’m completely cured of wanting to wear fall clothes. Bring back the heat and humidity. I look like Donald Frump today with my floor length Amish-style skirt and oversize black sweater with holes in it. I would go on the Tyra Banks show for a makeover, but I don’t have any desire to look like an Appalachian hooker. She seriously does the worst makeovers. The people looked somewhat normal in the “before” pix, but when she’s done with them they look like they should be in an HBO documentary about incest.

I am bored to the brink of unconsciousness. I’m just waiting for my dead grandma to show up and tell me to walk toward the light. AS USUAL nobody is emailing me and I’ve already read every web site on the entire Internet. The only thing left to do is actual work, and I’m not feeling that so much today. Perhaps I should write another letter to Red Lobster.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kate, Just wanted to say I enjoy reading your blogs. Who do you like in the World Series? I say Sox in 5. - Wtclip forever - Dave from

Kate said...

I like the Sox. No one cares about the Astros.