Sunday, June 19, 2005

These Are The Good Times

Isn’t it ironic (don’tcha think) that despite my deep and abiding love for animal prints, the actual animal I own is just a plain old black cat?

I was listening to the song “Good Times” by Chic, which has this awesome line:

“Clams on the half-shell and roller skates, roller skates”

That has to be some kind of drug or sex reference, right? There’s no way that “clams on the half-shell” means clams on the half-shell. And roller skates? It's gotta mean something dirty. Right? Am I the only one who doesn’t know what it means?

Here are the rest of the lyrics.

Top Five Best Orange Foods:

5. Combos (the orange is inside!)
4. Crunchy Cheetos
3. Jax
2. Doritos

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry, any top 5 of orange food that excludes Tang isn't credible.